January 10, 2012

Insta-Tuesday! |1|

If you have an iPhone, but don't use Instagram, you're truly missing out! Instagram is my favorite photo app in which you can keep all of your favorite photos in an album (aka your profile). Sounds stupid but it's the best thing that has happened to me in a WHILE. Not only is this little app fun, but I've met some pretty amazing people through it. I will be posting a separate post about my favorite Instagrammers later! Keep an eye out for that post!

Today, I'm posting a "best-of" Instagram for the week. I got this idea from the lovely blogger, Jenni over at  Story of My Life. Definitely go check out her blog!
1] This was last week during my crazy kidney infection I had. These were my antibiotics & my breakfast.
2] IG is having a January Photo-A-Day Challenge. This day was "something you adore" I adore my MacBook :D

 3] Carrabba's for dinner. This place is YUMMY.
4] Day 5: Something you wore. I wore my bow necklace that Ally got me for my birthday.

5] Ally's pup asleep at work. So presh.
6] Day 8: Your Sky. This was the sunset that day. 

 7] The moon with jetstream lines making an X.
8] Can you tell my boyfriend hates his picture being taken? I love tormenting him ;)

9] Day 9: Your daily routine. Eating is in my daily routine! :D
10] Day 10: Your Chilhood. Four images from my childhood. [one] me when I was 3 in Disneyland. [two] my baby brother and I when I was 8. [three] just cheesin' it! [four] me and my cute tooth pillow that I put my teeth in for the toothfairy. 

Instagram Username: ashleealaine


Hannah said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

i have a blackberry- so i feel SO out of the loop with the instagram business! i suppose i'll just have to live vicariously through your posts! :) i love your necklace by the way!

Ashlee said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates


Aw no fun! :( yay I'm glad I'll be able to keep you updated in the latest instagram fun :D and thank you!

xo, ashlee.

jessica said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

Pop-tarts! Yum! And I hope your kidneys are feeling much better :)


She Loves Outfits said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I've just found your blog and I love it! Such gorgeous pictures, I'm going to have to get Instagram myself!


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